Tuesday, 30 October 2012

W.U.C.E. - 3D Images

Some 3D renders have been completed to show both the external and internal areas.
Image 1: View across Clyde's Pond

Image 2: View down street

Image 3: Entry

Image 4: Level 1 group work area for university

Image 5: Level 1 group work area set up as gallery space for festival

Thursday, 25 October 2012

W.U.C.E. - Elevations and Sections

Some elevations and sections have been made.  The first section is through the street showing the neighbouring building.
Image 1: Street section, library on left.

Image 2: Elevation A

Image 3: Elevation B

Image 4: Section through flexible compartments

Image 5: Section through entry and mixing room

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

W.U.C.E. - Design Development

Developed floor plans.  Few changes to create more functional ground floor spaces.

Image 1: Ground floor and surrounds

Image 2: Level 1 Plan

Image 3: Level 2 plan

Friday, 19 October 2012

W.U.C.E. - Design Development

Some more progress has been made in finalising the plans.

Image 1: Floor plan - flexible compartments

Image 2: Section showing floors above flexible compartments

Image 3: Upper floor plans

Image 4: Initial roof plan

Image 5: Preliminary section

Image 6: Detail of mixing room

Image 7: Section through flexible compartments

Image 8: Revised floor plan

Image 9: Revised floor plan

Thursday, 11 October 2012

W.U.C.E. - Design Development

Progress being made on the floor plans.

Image 1: Ground floor design

Image 2: Ground floor and section through entry

Image 3: Upper floors

Image 4: Conceptual structural diagrams
Image 5: Structural diagram

Thursday, 4 October 2012

W.U.C.E. - Room arrangements

after investigating possible work station designs I have investigated some room arrangements.  Below are 2 images with 2 options.  The first being desk arrangements, the second being how these desk arrangements could be used in a room. 

Image 1: Desk arrangements
Image 2: Room arrangements

Monday, 1 October 2012

W.U.C.E. - Spatial Requirements

It was required to gain an understanding of the overall ground floor area as well as height requirements.  This enabled me to get an idea of the number of students who could use this service.  The sketch below has the building split into it's 3 components with a total ground floor area of 1180m2.

Image 1: Ground floor plate