Friday, 10 August 2012

Week 3 - Readings Reflection

This weeks activities included 2 readings, both of which had links into previous readings.  The first reading, The Aspatial City by Zelfde proposes the idea that distance is a concept that no longer exists due to the improvements in technology.  The reading investigates the concept that through technology, and the 'real time' publishing capabilities, people are so closely connected to one another that the physical distance between people no longer exists, or atleast exists as a constraint on communicating.

This article, combined with some thoughts from the previous reading, Urban Form & Locality by Barton, has informed a possible future vision & scenario.  With the constantly improvement in technology, and in some instances this is happening already, the possibility of working from home becomes a reality in the future.  The decentralisation of Central Business Districts.  And then the next step.....

The 'Urban to Rural Migration'

If people can work from home, maintaining jobs, a presence at work through the capabilities of technology, then what would prevent a shift towards rural living.  As Barton (2005) claims, living in a rural setting reflects the aspirationg of the consumer society.

So if in fact people do want to live rurally, and technology begins to allow people to work from outside the office, then the possibility of a urban to rural migration in the future may become more then a mere possibility, but a future reality.

The second reading for the week, Shearing Layers by Brand (1997), explores the layers within a building, including the systems required in buildings and the evoloution over the years.  Again this reading has a connection with previous readings, and also the proposed, Woodfordia.  The article by Brand (1997) highlights the need for buildings to be flexible in order to enable to constant change of systems and uses within a building, a concept heavily investiged in the first reading of the semester, Beyond Architecture by .........  However the concept I found more significant was the importance placed on site, and the infinite timeline associated with site.  This concept is extremely relevant when proposing development for the site at Woodfordia.  This concept is also relevant when proposing a future urban to rural migration.  The significance of the land and land management will become more evident then ever before and portraying this through a development at Woodfordia could be crucial.


Brand, S., 1997. Shearing Layers, in How buildings learn : what happens after they’re built, London: Phoenix Illustrated. pp12-23

Zelfde, J. V., 2012. "The aspatial city." The continuous partial everywhere.
available from:

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